
This site is devoted to copyright and issues of 'intellectual property,' particularly the issue's analytical aspects. It also concerns itself with the gap between public perception and the true facts, and with the significant lag time between the coverage on more technical sites and the mainstream press. For site feed, see: To see the list of sites monitored to create this site, see:

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Wired News:
The bad news is digital-rights management technologies will probably make your homebrew PVR obsolete faster than you can say "Super Bowl Sunday." - TiVo to Allow Verizon Customers To Program DVRs Via Cellphones
Today, the company will announce a deal with Verizon Wireless that turns an everyday device -- the cellphone -- into a novel remote control for TiVo recorders.

Pope Benedict to Receive Nasty Letter from RIAA?. Copyfight: the politics of IP
As the blogger notes, it's unlikely that these tracks were individually paid for, as the RIAA would have us do. We can barely wait until the Cartel's jihad reaches the Holy See.

Lawrence Lessig
Here’s the text of a letter I’ve sent to Congresswoman Lofgren and Congressman Boucher — the two key leaders on all things good re copyright in Congress — about the Copyright Office’s Orphan Works Report. No one will like me for this letter.
This rule means that the copy-right owner bears some burden (the burden of maintaining accessibility) as a condition of getting the full benefits of copyright law's protection.
I would suggest you modify the term that triggers an obligation on the copyright owner from 50 years to 14 years.

TechCrunch » Livelocker Social Bookmarks and Ratings For Rich Media
The content itself is hosted on other sites and your own ‘locker’ and Livelocker itself only stores the link to the content. They have built it like this on purpose so that they can palm off copyright responsibility to the site holders while at the same time providing a community to find and share the latest videos and rich media.
Such a shame to see promising young non-infringing businesses alter their course due to the threat of RIAA lawsuits.

Galactic Civilizations II: Dread Lords
. We've now outsold the first Galactic Civilizations in North America in the first 10 days. Last week we were apparently the #1 PC game at Walmart. Naturally, some peple have taken the conclusion that because we don't have copy protection on our game, that we invite piracy. That is not the case, we simply think there are other ways to stop piracy than CD checks, strict DRM, etc.

The Vendetta Behind 'V for Vendetta' - New York Times
To him, the movie adaptation of "V for Vendetta," which opens on Friday, is not the biggest platform yet for his ideas: it is further proof that Hollywood should be avoided at all costs.

Preserving Our Rights in the Mashosphere
It's unlikely that an all-out copyright war will ensue over IP in mashup land, but rights issues are bound to get sticky sometime soon. Right now, it seems that big business is still catching up to the tightly-knit community of web innovators. It took several years for the music industry to build a coherent strategy against sampling and remixing. But once the signal fires were set alight, they never stopped burning.

Wired News:
I am weaning myself from the [copyright/DRMed media] addiction: I don't watch television (at all -- no cable, never will) and use my Netflix account less and less. Sure it's extreme, but I use the time to read with my daughters, take walks with my wife and think on life a bit.
Well, that's one approach to DRM.  For the record, I don't have a TV either, and likely never will, but not as a protest against DRM....

As Internet TV Aims at Niche Audiences, the Slivercast Is Born - New York Times
Perhaps more interesting — and, arguably, more important — are the thousands of producers whose programming would never make it into prime time but who have very dedicated small audiences. It's a phenomenon that could be called slivercasting.

Anonymous Source Is Not the Same as Open Source - New York Times
Once upon a time, Encyclopaedia Britannica recruited Einstein, Freud, Curie, Mencken and even Houdini as contributors. The names helped the encyclopedia bolster its credibility. Wikipedia, by contrast, provides almost no clues for the typical article by which reliability can be appraised.
Err, but Britannica doesn't do that any more, and now you trust that it comes from Britannica, not the individual authors.  I'm not the biggest fan of Wikipedia's supposed infalliability, but this article misses the point completely.

A Blog Writes the Obituary of TV - New York Times
Does this anecdote — that an unpopular cable news show and a wildly popular Web site draw similarly sized audiences — prove that the Internet is upending the economics of the television business? It does for Prince Campbell, a former media executive who runs the Chartreuse (BETA) blog.

Slashdot | Digital Cinema Not Quite There Yet
A Reuters article explains how, in some ways, the digital future of movie theatres isn't quite here yet. Despite the push for new technology in the projection booth, theaters have been slow to adopt the new and expensive gear.



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