
This site is devoted to copyright and issues of 'intellectual property,' particularly the issue's analytical aspects. It also concerns itself with the gap between public perception and the true facts, and with the significant lag time between the coverage on more technical sites and the mainstream press. For site feed, see: To see the list of sites monitored to create this site, see:

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Open Access News
DRM systems should be mechanisms for reinforcing existing legal constraints on behavior (arising from copyright law or by reasonable contract), not as mechanisms for creating new legal constraints.

Open Access News
open access to scientific knowledge in sharp relief by publishing a guide to setting up a cheap, safe, mobile abortion clinic for use in places where abortion has been criminalized....Like other principles of free expression, open access to scientific knowledge often seems absurdly removed from our lives. Molly shows just how tangible such knowledge can be.

The Patry Copyright Blog: La la and Section 109
La la can't, however, stop folks from receiving a CD, making a copy of it and then trading it again. That, in fact, is how about 30 percent of consumers get their music these days, according to the NPD Group, a market research firm in Port Washington, N.Y.
Twice as many consumers get music from CD ripping as from P2P?  A big maybe, but even so I'm betting the numbers of songs traded over P2P dwarfs the number obtained through sharing/ripping.

Entertainment Tonight, and Tomorrow: The Media Industry's New Channels, New Content, New CEOs - Knowledge@Wharton
Attention there has centered on music, but "digital downloads don't differentiate between audio and video," Berg says.
I'd say the biggest difference is that consumers care about video quality much more than audio quality.  Everyone wants an HDTV and the discs to feed it content.  SACD?  Nah.
"There's been too much focus on sticks instead of carrots," Fader says.

It's semi-official: Mozilla makes money
If Mozilla really is capable of generating gross revenues anywhere near US$72 million, it shows that the model is working.
Another example of how open content can work.

iTunes unveils "Multi-Pass" purchase option
Multi-Pass has been unveiled alongside the availability of two new offerings from Comedy Central: The Daily Show and The Colbert Report. While individual episodes are still priced at $1.99, users now have the option of buying a 16-episode pack for $9.99, which translates to roughly 62 cents per show.

Freedom to Tinker » Blog Archive » RIAA Says Future DRM Might “Threaten Critical Infrastructure and Potentially Endanger Lives”
And here’s the really amazing part. In order to protect their ability to deploy this dangerous DRM, they want the Copyright Office to withhold from users permission to uninstall DRM software that actually does threaten critical infrastructure and endanger lives.

Who Owns the Cow When We Give Away the Milk for Free? Fair Use and the Protection of Web-Posted Materials, by STUDENT NOTE

3 Buffalo Intellectual Property Law J. 46 (Fall 2005)

Music Composition, Sound Recordings and Digital Sampling in the 21st Century: A Legislative and Legal Framework to Balance Competing Interests, by Beck, Jeremy

13 UCLA Entertainment L. Rev. 1 (Fall 2005)



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