
This site is devoted to copyright and issues of 'intellectual property,' particularly the issue's analytical aspects. It also concerns itself with the gap between public perception and the true facts, and with the significant lag time between the coverage on more technical sites and the mainstream press. For site feed, see: To see the list of sites monitored to create this site, see:

Thursday, July 14, 2005

An extremely disappointing article out of the DP. It's the Summer Pennsylvanian, which we widely regard as a training ground for new folks, but even so, this falls below even the usual "he said/she said" bad articles.
And accompanying editorial, with sections cut out of the bad article and pasted right in.

Movie director flood. Will all the competition increase the average quality? Only if Hollywood does a good job picking.

Michael Powell seems to argue for distributed something, but gets the whole idea whack wrong. "Journalists are trained not to be emotional, like a doctor doesn't fall in love with his patients," Powell said. "But people experiencing a tragedy can convey what actually happened while at the same time express deep emotion and engage in spirited storytelling. A photo of someone climbing up through train wreckage is extremely powerful. A reporter rolling up to the scene behind a police line can rarely give you that."
I know of very few photojournalists who can possibly be unmoved by what they see in a situation like this. There are constant discussions in the trade magazines about when it is time to put down your camera and help. And I don't really know of anyone who trains their journalists to not be emotional--it just doesn't happen. Professional, yes, unemotional, no. So he finally sides with the little guys, but misses the point entirely: the preponderance of amateur photos in the London coverage doesn't come because the journalists are strolling up to a police line, but because there are simply so many more cameras out there than the professional press corps can field, and because those amateur cameras are wielded by (in general) better-trained amateurs thanks to the near-zero marginal cost of digital. C.f. Lanchester's Law

Beth Noveck proposes collaborative filtering on a massive scale for the USPTO. Incredible idea, assuming the trade secrets bit can be overcome.

Inducing sales up. Non-inducing sales up. Maybe the music market is just plain up? Could lower prices and better delivery systems have finally pushed through profits?

Competing with themselves. Or are they?

Bad copyright legislation could be over-broad in Canada.

Patry on licensing reform.

More parallels to the stock photo can they compete with free?

First Germany, now that haven for overly-restrictive content controllers joins in. Is the right to link dead outside of the US?

Amazon gets another business method patent.



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