New podcast service.
More on the stock photography market transitions.
Open access to metadata allows all sorts of amazing things, like tracking circadian rhythms across all LiveJournal users.
Amazon buys CustomFlix.
NetFlix plans download service. Miller suggested this a few days ago, I believe.
Dutch piracy case thwarted.
More monetization of online worlds.
Why not to blog. Too late for me, but I've always taken the view that anything you write on the Internet may eventually become public, even while ardently supporting technical provisions for anonymous speech.
Wu continues his campaign to raise awareness about the perils of Chinese Internet censorship.
HP leaked despite NDA's.
Fun new inducing device.
Patry on the Wayback machine case that everyone's talking about.
Felten on DRM and copying.
Weed Idolatry.
Lasica letters. Nice collection on permission culture.
Fair Use of citizen photos by Big Media.
German P2P decisions.
Geist on HP.
More on the stock photography market transitions.
Open access to metadata allows all sorts of amazing things, like tracking circadian rhythms across all LiveJournal users.
Amazon buys CustomFlix.
NetFlix plans download service. Miller suggested this a few days ago, I believe.
Dutch piracy case thwarted.
More monetization of online worlds.
Why not to blog. Too late for me, but I've always taken the view that anything you write on the Internet may eventually become public, even while ardently supporting technical provisions for anonymous speech.
Wu continues his campaign to raise awareness about the perils of Chinese Internet censorship.
HP leaked despite NDA's.
Fun new inducing device.
Patry on the Wayback machine case that everyone's talking about.
Felten on DRM and copying.
Weed Idolatry.
Lasica letters. Nice collection on permission culture.
Fair Use of citizen photos by Big Media.
German P2P decisions.
Geist on HP.
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