
This site is devoted to copyright and issues of 'intellectual property,' particularly the issue's analytical aspects. It also concerns itself with the gap between public perception and the true facts, and with the significant lag time between the coverage on more technical sites and the mainstream press. For site feed, see: To see the list of sites monitored to create this site, see:

Monday, January 03, 2005

TiVo adds another feature. We'll see how long it lasts.

In this interview at the very end, Frankel, who wrote WinAmp and WASTE, hints at more subversion to come.

Ten industries vie for control of your home. Puts the battle over INDUCE in a whole new light.

Lessig being Lessig.

Haven't read it yet, but it looks like a nice academic review of the legal aspects of copyright.

American jukeboxes hampered due to copyright law.



Blogger Andreas said...

I'd missed the Lessig article going by, that's a nice one. With the new TiVo feature maybe I'll finally get long as it works in the TiVo's that have DVD recorders, too.

3:43 PM  
Blogger Ari F. said...

> With the new TiVo feature maybe I'll finally get long as it works in the TiVo's that have DVD recorders, too. <

Unless they decide to take it away from you at a later date....

5:29 PM  
Blogger Andreas said...

>Unless they decide to take it away from you at a later date....

Right, always a possilibity, which is why I'd only take it if it worked with the ones with a DVD recorder. At least that way I can still do the old fashioned record to a disk and rip it.

5:47 PM  

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