
This site is devoted to copyright and issues of 'intellectual property,' particularly the issue's analytical aspects. It also concerns itself with the gap between public perception and the true facts, and with the significant lag time between the coverage on more technical sites and the mainstream press. For site feed, see: To see the list of sites monitored to create this site, see:

Saturday, August 14, 2004

Workarounds for attempts to cordon off Olympic broadcasts by geography.

Substantial, non-infringing use squelched. History repeats itself. Hitler invades Russia in winter.

Famous libertarian on IP.

Substantial, non-infringing use.

Substantial, non-infringing use, new and improved.

Register uses NewSpeak to elucidate government bias in copyright issues.

ALA fights back in schools.

Online publishing model successful.

The Economist on spectrum policy. Since limited spectrum is one of the limiting factors in the crumbling IP régime of yesteryear, this is a key development. It turns radio into something more like the Internet. Where are the snowy screens of yesteryear?



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