
This site is devoted to copyright and issues of 'intellectual property,' particularly the issue's analytical aspects. It also concerns itself with the gap between public perception and the true facts, and with the significant lag time between the coverage on more technical sites and the mainstream press. For site feed, see: To see the list of sites monitored to create this site, see:

Wednesday, August 04, 2004

DMCA comes to Australia.

Overly-broad IP grants may take their toll in human lives. And their toll on businesses. And innovators' rights.

Meanwhile, iTunes will rack up more sales due to one of the few areas IP law has not yet reached--Windows/MacOS emulators. And allmusic will be better off until it decides to sue.

Apple un-DRMs its own DRM.

Shutting down competitors via abuse of the legal system now pathetically easy. Actually, it's really abuse of the threat of the legal system, since fear will ensure that most such cases never see the courts.



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